The Board is responsible to HumanSoft’s shareholders for creating and delivering sustainable value through the management of HumanSoft’s business. Although day-to-day management of HumanSoft’s business is delegated to Management, the Board is responsible for providing strategic direction, management supervision, and adequate controls with the ultimate objective of promoting the success and long-term value of HumanSoft’s. The Board retains responsibility for the overall performance of HumanSoft, and must ensure that management strikes an appropriate balance between promoting long-term growth and achieving short-term objectives.
Board of Directors is vested with powers to conduct HumanSoft’s operations and to achieve its goals. Only the provisions of applicable laws, HumanSoft’s Articles of Association, or a resolution taken by the shareholders’ General Assembly, shall supersede and limit the authority and powers of the Board.
The main responsibilities of the Board are:
- Establish the overall strategic direction and policy framework for HumanSoft that would achieve the objectives of HumanSoft
- Approve the corporate governance Policies, monitor their implementation and ensures the compliance with the corporate governance rules of the Capital Market Authority
- Direct and supervise the Executive Management of HumanSoft
- Identify the principal risks of HumanSoft’s business, and ensure that there are systems in place to effectively monitor and manage these risks
- Protect and enhance the investments of HumanSoft’s shareholders and look after their interests
- Ensure the continuity of HumanSoft by assuming responsibility for the appointment of and succession of the Chairman, enforcing the internal and regulatory articles, and by maintaining an effective Board of Directors
- Provide leadership and direction for HumanSoft in establishing and maintaining high standards of corporate ethics and integrity
Composition of the Board:
The BOD consist of five members, the majority of which should be a non-executive directors. Among the members of the BOD should be at least one independent member and in no event the number of independent members shall exceed half of the members of Board.
Meetings & Quorum
The Board will meet on regular basis at the written notice of the Chairman at least six times annually, a meeting is to be held in each quarter (as a minimum). An emergency meeting shall be based on the Chairman written notice signed by at least two (2) members of the Board. The members should be provided with a documented meeting agenda at least 3 days before the board meeting, taking into consideration the emergency meetings, where the members would have the ability to study these matters and take the right decisions. Once convened, the Board shall approve the agenda; should any member of the Board raise any objection to this agenda, the details of such objection shall be entered in the minutes of the concerned meeting.
The Quorum of the meeting of the Board is at least half the board and they must not be less than 3 members. The resolutions of the Board will be taken by simple majority of the Directors attending the meeting. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman (or Vice-Chairman in the Chairman’s absence) will have a casting vote.
Committees of the Board:
1 - Nomination and Remuneration Committee
The Committee is responsible for the acceptance of nomination of suitable candidates for memberships of the Board of directors or executive management and recommending their names to the BOD, Review the structure of the Board of Directors and make recommendations regarding changes that can be made, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Board of Directors and propose processed in line with the company's interest, make sure on an annual basis the qualification independency of independent members and the absence of any conflict of interest if the member is a member of the Board of Directors of other enterprises and designing and monitoring policies and bylaws that regulate granting compensation and bonuses including remuneration to the directors and senior executives.
Composition of the committee
The committee consists of 3 members elected by the Board of Directors, of which at least one member will be independent. The chairman of the committee must be a non-executive member.
The Quorum of the meeting of the Nomination and Recommendation Committee is a simple majority of the members. All decisions of the company will require a simple majority of members attending the meeting.
2 - Audit Committee
The Committee is responsible for the quality and integrity of the financial statements, monitoring the work of the external auditors and recommendation for their appointment, study of the accounting policy of the company and giving recommendation to the board of directors, evaluation of the efficiency of the applied internal control system , technical supervision and monitoring of the management of the internal audit , compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements and giving recommendation for the appointment and dismissal of the Manager of the internal audit in the company.
Composition of the committee
The committee consists of 3 members elected by the Board of Directors, of which at least one member will be independent. The chairman and executive members of the BOD are excluded from membership of the committee
The Quorum of the meeting of the Nomination and Recommendation Committee is a simple majority of the members. All decisions of the company will require a simple majority of members attending the meeting.
3 - Risk Management Committee
The committee is responsible for preparing and approving the strategy, polices and bylaws for the risk management in conformity with the company’s appetite, evaluating and monitoring of significant risks or exposures across Humansoft and steps taken to minimize such risks. The committee is also responsible to ensure implementing these strategies and policies in the line with the size of and the activities of the company as well as Humansoft Major financial risks exposures and steps management has undertaken to control them, assist the board of Directors in identifying and evaluating the trend of risk appetite of the company and ensure that the company does not exceed that level after the Board of Directors Approval.
Composition of the committee
The committee consists of 3 members elected by the Board of Directors, of which at least one member will be independent. Chairmen of the Board of Directors is excluded from memberships of the committee. The committee must be chaired by a non-executive member.
The Quorum of the meeting of the Risk Management Committee is a simple majority of the members. All decisions of the company will requires a simple majority of members attending the meeting.